Production and sale of cactus & succulents seeds

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We are pleased to provide you with the seedlist ADBLPS 2024/2025, published on 9/11/2024

2 layouts are available :  PDF or XLSX or  Online_list.

The list has the following data :
    * A reference code on 1 to 5 digits to be used for ordering

    * Specie name, sometime additional data (field number, locality) and a record code in ADBLPS database (example : [MG 3.34/97]) it is a kind of pedigree that we encourage you to keep with the seeds that you will sow.

For seeds produced in our nursery we provide as well :

    * Horticultural data : selfsterile/fertile, flowering month (Europe), flowering size
    * harvesting year (24 = 2024)

Ordering process

Online_list ordering (preferred) :

Fill-in the tab "Ordering (EN)" of the Excel file, send the Excel file to info[@]

ADBLPS will send you a quote according to actual availability of seeds

Please mention the order ID in your mails as soon as it has been provided (cde xxxx).

Paper oders with template :

Fill-in the tab "Ordering (EN)" of the Excel file, print-it and send it with payment to ADBLPS, BP 35,  F-89140 Pont sur Yonne

Good to know

Price are including all taxes.

For mail order, please prodive a few replacement items otherwise ADBLPS will do its own choice if necessary.

Payment accepted are :
3% fees will be added to the total amount of the order
Our policy is to balance each order and not to provide credits/debits or refund customers.

Delivery leadtime is from 1 to 4 weeks. Thanks for your patience.

All orders are processed in the first in first out logic, based on payment date.

I hope that you will appreciate our services & products and wish you a good growing season 2024/2025.

Best Regards,
Aymeric de Barmon


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